Category Archives: Blog


I must speak on the controversy within the African American community regarding dark skin verses light skin.

I’ve known people of African descent of all lineages and descriptions; I’ve known them my entire adult life. They’re all different in some sense, and they’re all the same in another. My African friends and acquaintances taught me, by example, that Africans are not, by any stretch of the imagination, homogenous. Neither are African Americans, who are, in a holistic sense, a nation and ethnic group with many sub categories.

That said, the 400 years of slavery is a factor that must never be ignored or understated. This wound could, theoretically, be healed in a generation if everyone looked at the reality without fear or hatred. It’s fear and hatred of some “other,” real or imagined, and fear of self (which begins as free form, and searches for something, anything, to attach itself to; like a parasite) that produces the disease of the mind and heart. What’s ironic is that in the end, when you strip away the external appearances, and the symptoms of the disease, there’s nothing other than that fear and hate itself that should be feared and hated.

I must show my Muslim face here: Allah revealed in the Quran that the different color of people are a blessing and a sign for those who have wisdom (Suratul Rum 30:22). It is mentioned in the same sentence as the diversity within the creation of the heavens and the earth itself. Humanity needs people of different races / colors. Without this, the whole symbiosis becomes unbalanced, and the structure collapses.

Being Muslim or non-Muslim is irrelevant to being able to see the inner truth in this. In the last half century I’ve been on this planet, I’ve seen nothing to indicate this is incorrect.

The only fly in the ointment is the disease in human hearts. Cure that disease, and what remains is peace produced by love and mutual respect.

And we’ve reached a crisis point where peace is no longer an idealistic dream: it’s a survival tactic.

Epitath for a Friend.

The morning of March 24th, 2015 was difficult on me. Imam Salihohu Djabbi; Imam and founder of Masjid Imam Ali in Brooklyn, Imam at the GMDC-C73 facility at Riker’s Island Prison Complex, and Amir of the Council of African Imams of New York City died after a four year battle with ALS. I knew Imam Salihou’s passing would not be far; the last time I visited him, he didn’t look well. Watching his health deteriorate was heartbreaking, Yet throughout it all, he never lost his faith, nor his good humor.

And now, Allah called him home. He made it; and we’re still here, asleep and dreaming our dark dreams. 

Imam Salihou  was a man of great spiritual attainment. Sitting with him, one shared in his blessings, and learned some very deep lessons. He was a wise and kind man whom I learned a great deal from. I worked with him for many years at the C73 building at Riker’s Island, and I can never forget how he always went out of his way to place me in a position of honor and status (which I was always worried about how I merited this).

But one thing I fear may be lost among the statements shared about him was his great sense of humor. He was a lot of fun and would often share a good joke! Once, when I bought a sarangi, he asked me why I did that. I told him I found one for a good price. He said “Man, there must be something wrong with you!” I laughed until I could barely breath. He and I shared many light hearted moments.
  He was a friend and teacher; a man of immense spiritual knowledge and authority who commanded great respect, and who was nonetheless humble, charitable, and filled with love and good humor.

Many people talk about being spiritual. Some cast derision on people who fake it for gain. Some search and search for it. Imam Salihou was the real thing; he was absolutely authentic, and exemplary as a real spiritual leader. To him, all men and women were his brother and sister. His heart was full of compassion. And a no one could ask for a better friend.   I haven’t the nerve to say what Allah will or will not do. But if Allah welcomes him among the ranks of the elite on the Day of Judgement, it will not surprise me in the least.

I salute him, and thank Allah for his life.

April is Causing Changes

Well, the changes may not be caused by the month of April; but a lot is happening.

As I’d mentioned in my newsletters, I’m the musical director for the Kandake Dance Company’s production of “1001 Nights: Love Stories form Death Row.” We’re in the home strech, and rehearsals are coming along well. Our first performance is on Wednesday, May 6th, 2015 at Dixon Place (161a Chrystie st. NYC). Door at 7. $12-15.

On Friday, April 17th, I will offer music for a yoga class taught by Jessica Stickler, at the Jivamukti Yoga Center ( 841 Broadway, 2nd floor, NYC). Class starts at 6:45pm.

On Saturday, April 18th, I will be the featured artist / performer at the Artist Ashram, hosted by the Bhakti Center (25 1st Avenue 2nd Floor. NYC) $10 at the door. This will be a unique multidisciplinary performance that will offer the opportunity for audience participation (

I spoke to Joshua Seraphim (publisher / founder of Leilah Publications). He informed me that the 2nd edition of A Quantum Hijra, and my new collection of short stories, A Mansion with Many Rooms, is scheduled for release in September (


Speaking of September,,,,

On September 2nd, 2015 Openings Collective will present an art exhibit titled “On the Inner and Outer Self” at Church of St. Paul the Apostle (405 West 59th Street, at Columbus Avenue, NYC). I have the honor of being one of the featured artists! More info to come. (

As for God’s Unruly Friends, we’re in “fall back and regroup” mode. We’re planning concerts (I’ve had some very encouraging negotiations with a number of venues), and a recording. All is progressing nicely.

One more thing: I had this idea/ fantasy of doing a series of concerts of what I call the Sacred Forbidden Music. These performances will be by invitation only. I will know by September; and keep you informed (who know? Maybe you will get an invitation!)

That’s it for now. Let’s ride the crest of April, and see how this wave crashes into May!


The concert at Theater for the New City was a success! Thanks to everyone who came out, to Ras Moshe, Latif Kurfirst and Chenana Manno for their fine performances, to Theater for the New City for hosting us, and to our sponsors (Scente Elate, Flower Power Herbs, and Leilah Publications).


Video will be available soon.


There is some more news. My art work has been accepted for an exhibit at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle (405 west 59th st. NYC). The exhibit, produced by Openings proposes the exhibition concept “On the Inner and Outer Self”.  It will be available to see on September 2nd, 2015. More details to follow.


Rehearsals are progressing well for the next production of 1001 Nights: Tales from Death Row (produced by the Kandake Dance Company). I have the honor of being their musical director. Details here:


I will also be doing a New Moon ceremony with Chenana Manno and Brother North Star at the National Black Theater (5th ave. between 125th & 126th, NYC). 6:30pm. This is a free event.

The next God’s Unruly Friends Concert, a few days before the show.

As I write this, it’s the morning of Thursday, 3/5/15.  Very close to the concert. Preparations have been underway, and have been going surprisingly week, despite some problems; the most difficult of which is that I caught the flu last Saturday.

This concert will be a major turning point for a number of reasons.

1. I’m bringing the music to a new level. It won’t deviate too much from what Renegade Sufi did; but it will be enhanced by a number of factors.

2. Theatrics. This will be a real SHOW, not just a bunch of guys on stage playing their instruments. But the theatrics will mean something, AND there will be an element of improvisation to it. This is something I’ll naturally have to develop. But it begins at this concert.

3. I’m taking charge of the economic situation. One of the musicians asked me if this would be a door gig. I told him I was guaranteeing $X.00; and that I was experimenting with a new economic / business model. It’s not too far fetched; but it is something a bit unusual. The main thing is that I have made moves to take control of the money aspect of the music, and no longer be just another musician with his hat in his hand looking for gigs.

It’s all quite risky. No question. But it will be the beginning of something wonderful.

Now; if I can only get rid of this flu!

On another topic,,,

I’ve been making progress with my Dautar. It’s a new kind of instrument. Here it is as of 3/5/15:




I’ll have more details as it nears completion. And perhaps I’ll be gigging with it soon!


Warm Thoughts on a Cold Night

Welcome to my new website! Designed by Her Awesomeness TSMK.

It’s another COLD February night in NYC. I had a great gig in Brooklyn with master percussionist Jimmy Lopez. Afterward, we took a cab to Manhattan, and had an incredible discussion with the cab driver. This man is brilliant! I could have listened to him all night discoursing about religion, science, spirituality, history, linguistics, etc. A scholar disguised as a cabbie.

Today (2/28/15) I’m going to perform at Silvana (300 w. 116th, NYC) with Diana Wayburn and the Dances of the World Ensemble.

Then; full force final preperations for the next God’s Unruly Friends Concert at Theater for the New City! I’ll keep you all posted.



coffee and daowud1

February 2015!!

Dear me, I HAVE been negligent with my blog posts, haven’t I?

Well, I assure you it’s not due to lack of interest, In fact, I’ve been quite busy of late. And freezing cold! But that’s for anotehr blog.

If you are reading this, you are on my new website! Yes; is my new base of operation / musical dojo / party space. I asked Kosi (jazz singer extraorinare, webmaster, and my fiancee) to build this for me. My old website is still operational, but I’ve begun a new phase: and a new band.

God’s Unruly Friends is a project that presents psychoactive jazz / world music form another world, with performances that use elements of theatrics, and other surprises. Our premier performance at the University of the Streets was a success, and held great promise for the future.

Our next performance will be at the Theater for the New City (155 1st avenue, NYC) on Monday, March 9th, 7pm.

You will note the hyperlink in the dropdown menu in “About Dawoud” called Music Meditations.” A year ago, I began conducting music meditation session. Their popularity has been slowly building; and the sessions themselves have been a great success. You aught to come by and experience it for yourself.

The 2nd edition of my Sufi science fiction novel “A Quantum Hijra” is coming out soon. Leilah Publications has negotiated a deal for the catalog to be distributed out of Egypt. And my short stories will appear in a collection to be released n summer 2015.

I am still writing for Sohrab Saadat Ladjevardi and I are also involved in a music activism program; a foundation called Enough is Enough NY. More details to come soon.

Also, I’m working at musical Director for the rock ballet “1001 Nights: Tales form Death Row.” This is produced by the Kandake Dance Company, and directed and written by Olga El.

Thanks for stopping by. This blog will be busy; and contain many interesting things. If you want to share your thoughts with me, write me at

Kosi CD Release

Once in a while I like to recommend some music. This time, it’s the new CD “Pictures of Us” by Kosi.

The CD release party will be at Silvana on Monday, June 2nd, 8pm. Kosi will be joined by the band who played on the CD.

I had the oportunity to hear the songs before they were released. Trust me, you’ll want to hear this.

For more info, go to

and to


Tell her Dawoud sent you.


Early 2014: Dawoud checking in

Yes, it has been a long time, hasn’t it? There have been some interesting developments.

2014 is looking like a busy year so far. I’m planning two recording projects: one with Renegade Sufi, and one solo. The later may be released through Leilah Publications (more on this in a moment.). I’m also planning short tours of Chicago / Milwaukee (April), Baltimore / Philadelphia (June), and London (September). I’ll keep you all informed.

My book, “A Quantum Hijra” is doing well. One of the Chicago dates will also be a concert / book release event. You can find more info here:


All else is going well! Looking forward to joining you in 2014!
