Tag Archives: healing

Music Meditation Sessions.

Many of you know that I conduct what I call Music Meditation Sessions. However, many seem to have ideas about this that are not accurate. Perhaps the time has come for me to explain it.


About 15 or so years ago, I had an arrangement with a yoga and martial arts center in Brooklyn. I would play live music for some of their classes, and in return, I would get to take whatever classes I wished. There was a kung fu instructor who had a system he developed based on the Five Elements (wood, fire, water, metal, and earth). During one of his classes, it occurred to me that there exists musical forms that correlate with each element. For example, water can be invoked by the Dorian mode, or raga Kafi. I experimented with using these musical forms (as well as taking musical cues from the movements and action in the class, anticipating movements, directing energies, etc.) as the templates for my improvisations.


It was successful. The only problems that arose were when management insisted upon bringing other musicians into the classes. The other musicians, as talented as they were, couldn’t understand what I was attempting to accomplish.


I used this for yoga classes with success; and continue to do so to this day.


About three years ago, I came up with the idea of further developing these improvisational techniques, and applying them to guided meditation. Using Indian raga as a basic template, and applying elements of other music, I would use specific musical forms to evoke specific emotional and visceral responses in the listener. I did not confine myself to acoustic instrumentation; the careful use of electronics was equally effective.


I call this the Sacred Forbidden Music.


The results were successful. Participants reported a wide variety of experiences. Many would report relaxation and deep meditative states. Some would report about recovering lost or repressed memories.


Some have described more intense experiences with visions (a few examples: one man told me he was walking in a forest and speaking with winged serpents. Another participant, a woman, said she found herself at the foot of a hill, atop which was an enormous crystal goblet with books and scrolls revolving around it). Others reported astral travel and out-of-body experiences.


I should point out that the Sessions are NOT sound meditations. They use elements of sound meditation, but it is a different thing. It is a guided meditation wherein suggested imagery is replaced with musical form.


For years I refused to record the Sacred Forbidden Music. I didn’t think the real spirit and essence of the music could be captured in a recording. However, after constant requests, I relented and produced a CD of the music.


The development of the Music Meditation Sessions and the Sacred Forbidden Music continues. It’s an ongoing project; and the possibilities are limitless.

Random Musing

Someone I know rejected a statement I made wherein I mentioned that there is a terrible spiritual crisis in our society. He claimed there was none.

I must, of course, disagree.

Our souls are sick. Our hearts are fighting – or willingly embracing – a disease. Intellect alone cannot solve this. What good is intellect when we have forgotten what it means to be truly human? In such a state, our intellects will only doom us.

The false idols our minds make of things we see, or think we see, are betraying us. Our invented ideologies are betraying us, and forcing us to turn against our brothers and sisters, and wreak unspeakable violence and ruin upon the world while claiming we are making peace.

There is a belief / myth that we only use 10% of our brain’s capacity. How much of our heart’s and spirit’s capacity are we using? Probably a lot less than we think.

As I write this, there are some very disturbing things in the news. More than I can list here (without becoming sick to my stomach). But when I think and meditate on it, I keep coming back again and again to one indisputable fact: there are NO political solutions to any of this. Only spiritual solutions. Listen for the call to cooperation. This is where healing will be found.