Tag Archives: Racism

More about Racial Tensions

Lupe Fiasco put it best. There’s nothing “supreme” about white people, and nothing inferior either. We’re like everyone else; we have our good traits and some impressive accomplishments, and we have our bad traits and shameful deeds. Just like everyone else.

The thing I liked about Mr. Fiasco’s statement is that while he acknowledges the failings of my tribe, he does not revile them. In other words, there is no threat in his words. No pointed finger of accusation supported with a curse of “I’m better than you” or a declaration of war. It is simply an observation, and an offer of a simple, practical, and very workable solution on how to fix the problem that is, in the end, an asset to everyone and a liability to none.

And I am not alone among my people in how I feel about this situation. Many simply don’t know how to articulate this. 

We are all still afraid. Like animals in an unfamiliar environment. Some of us – no color implications here – are afraid. And the worst part is that we have been conditioned to love and savor that fear. 

This fear will destroy us all.

My wife recently commented that one of the things she admires about me is that I’m comfortable with myself as a white man, and I have nothing to prove. Those who adopt racist / white supremacist ideals are not truly at peace with the fact that they’re white. They have an inner conflict of some kind or another, and have to bring others down in order to bring themselves up. Their hypocrisy and self deception would be pathetic if it didn’t drive many of them to acts of shocking violence.

There is an old Sufi meditation technique called muraqaba. It means one who observes, and involves looking at oneself from a perspective outside the self. One learns that one is not one’s body, tribe, nation, career, country, race, or even mind. We have these things, but we are not them. This would be useful in solving a great many social ills, and individual psychological-spiritual crisis.


You’re Probably Not Going to Like This

The USA is a mostly failed political experiment. It ended in 1947 when Truman signed the National Security Act (and essentially abolished the Constitution). 

It’s failure was twofold. The first which must be addressed here is the obvious: racism. This is a psychological and spiritual cancer which was never addressed and never understood by the overwhelming majority of both the government and the people until it was too late to reverse the damage. There is almost no aspect of the USA that is not contaminated by this.

It may yet be another century before any real healing can be applied. What’s ironic is that the solutions are remarkably simple. The only problem is human unwillingness to apply a simple act of will to adjust a paradigm of thought. The disease is too firmly entrenched,a nod supported not only by sociopathic rhetoric, but by an economic infrastructure (and by default, legislation).

The second is usury. All banking of any possible description is based entirely on usury. All banks can be summed up thus: create worthless money out of nothing, loan it out at interest (and use real wealth as collateral against an essentially unplayable loan), charge fees to hold people’s money, use this money to earn money through usury based investments, and charge people another fee to give them their own money back to them. 

The founding fathers largely saw this coming, and warned us about it. When privately owned banking corporations insinuated themselves into the government, the USA began to die. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was a crippling blow, and was the beginning of the end, because the economic power of the USA was handed over to a privately owned corporation. The situation got progressively worse over the next century, including the citizens of the USA being used as collateral against loans to the government.

Which brings us to the inevitable question of loss of freedom. It’s indisputable that our constitutional freedoms have been eroded. Executive orders issued almost nonstop from both sides of the bicameral assembly have systematically superseded every article in the bill of rights. And police brutality, augmented by militarization, has exacerbated the problem to the point where the National Safety Council has stated that a US citizen is eight times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist attack. The reason for this is actually simple. The leadership of the USA (government and private sector; which are becoming indistinguishable) is enmeshed in an entirely unworkable system that is doomed to failure. The only way to sustain this is through totalitarian methods. In general, the Huxleyan “Brave New World” method (dictatorship supported by drugs, entertainment, sexual deviance, and genetic engineering [still in its infancy; but signs point to its possible institution) is used. When this fails, the Orwellian “1984” method is applied (endless war, privation, unlimited torture and brainwashing, etc.). Honest appraisal of all governments in the world show this to be true to one degree or another.  If we don’t see this, these methods have been successful.

This is something the people of the USA never understood and have been brainwashed to find absolutely incomprehensible: other countries were invaded and bombed. Ours was sold.

Islam and Racism

Islam forbids racism. Not by insinuation (i.e. “brotherly love.” or the like), but in specific terms impossible to deny or contradict.

“And one of the Signs (of Allah) is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your colors (i.e. races) and languages. Surely there is a Sign in this for those who have wisdom.”
– Qur’an 30:22

I take this as meaning (among other things) that, since the creation of heaven and earth is mentioned in the same sentence as the different languages and races among humanity, that this diversity exists as in integral and indispensable component of creation. Humanity NEEDS a variety of people; without it, we couldn’t exist.

The Prophet Muhammas (sas) said, in his last sermon:
“The while man has no superiority over the black man, and the black man has no superiority over the white man; and the Arab has no superiority over the non-Arab, and the non-Arab has no superiority over the Arab, except in (individual) piety / nearness to Allah. And the best among you are those who remember that all people are descended from Adam (as) and Adam (as) is created from dust.”

Hard to get more obvious than that. But it didn’t stop there. In the Prophet Muhammad’s biography, there is a striking example of walking the walk and not just talking the talk.

Bilal ibn Rabah (ra) is one of the greatest saints of Islam. He was an African slave who accepted Islam when there were maybe two dozen Muslims in the world. His owner beat and tortured him to get him to renounce Islam. Bilal refused, despite the unspeakable agonies inflicted on him. The Prophet (sas) asked if anyone would purchase Bilal, and his companion Abu Bakr (ra) did so, and immediately freed him. Bilal became one of the Prophet’s closest companions, the treasurer of the Muslim nation, a great warrior, and was the first to make the adhan (call to prayer).

One day the Prophet (sas) said that he had a dream that he was about to enter Paradise, and heard footsteps of someone ahead of him. The companions were amazed, and asked who it was. He said “It was Bilal.” Consider what it means when the Prophet (sas) sees a vision of a former African slave entering Paradise before him; and makes it a point to happily share the news.
Muslims must cure their hearts of the cancer of racism, without hesitation or condition.

Now, permit me a “secular” analysis.

Racism is a disease that extends to both the psychological and spiritual dimensions of a human being. It is based on a number of factors all racists have in common:

1. Fear of surface appearances that differ from their own, or do not conform to paradigms of human cultural or physical manifestations that do not resemble imagery in the mind (which, by the way, only exists in their mind, and has no correlation to anything in reality).

2. Fear of loss. Exposure to some anthropological “other” triggers a reaction wherein the “other / different” is associated with the threat of being forcibly or cunningly deprived of possessions, social status, or some personal sense of pride or honor. This is similar to that found in many species of animals.

3. A lack of perspective and insight. This is either the conditioned behavior, or hard-wired incapacity to recognize similarities between people of different persuasions, and to understand on a deep and fundamental level that differences in humans / a multiplicity of manifestation, is essential to the structure of the existence of the universe. This is a subtle form of polytheism in its most degraded form. Polytheists look at unity and see multiplicity, whereas a true monotheist looks at multiplicity and see unity (lest you think otherwise, external appearances of polytheism or monotheism may harbor a very different internal motivation).

I must point out that some people associate all this with a lack of intelligence, however, this is a mistake. While you will certainly find morons among their ranks, many racists are extraordinarily intelligent people. They are not stupid: they’re insane. Such people are extraordinarily dangerous, because they usually have the capacity and the will to attempt to shape social order to conform to their insanity; and know how to incite other less intelligent people to do their dirty work for them.

(PS: yes, racists, I just dissected you as if you were laboratory rats, and exposed your inner dementia to the world. My assessment is true, and you are powerless to defend your position with anything but lies or violent outbursts, which only prove my assessment to be correct.)

I challenge anyone to prove what I posted here to be wrong.