Tag Archives: youtube


OK, maybe I’m being overly dramatic. And asking for help is not my strong suit (ask my wife. She’ll tell you. I’m the guy who, when driving somewhere, will never ask directions). But I do need your help. 

God’s Unruly Friends has a YoTube channel. OK: this is not an unusual thing. But I’m trying to get a custom URL (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpI7wAuCWOYswkLcQopZPzA is so clumsy).

The thing is, the new eligibility requirements mandate that I have 100 subscribers. 

Since this is a new channel (and I been a bit busy to promote it), I do not have 100 subscribers yet.

Would you help me, and subscribe? Just go here, and click “subscribe.” That’s it.



OK, I have an announcement.

God’s Unruly Friends has some new online presence. You can email us at godsunrulyfriends@gmail.com.


We have a new Twitter account!


An we have a youtube channel! It’s new, so if you subscribe, we can get things off to a good start. Check out our last video:





